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Monday, November 22, 2010

Here we go again

I'm doing this weight loss thing again. I want to say that this time is different, and this time I'm going to change my lifestyle. But the truth is I have zero faith in myself for this. So I have decided to take this one day at a time. And hopefully I wont get too overwhelmed.

I plan on doing weight watchers and working out at least 3 times a week. I would like to lose 15 pounds and would love to lose 30. We shall see.



  1. You should check out the blog Naptime Notes. Shelly did WW and she lost like 60 lbs. She does a WW post every Wednesday.

    You can do it (though I'd wait until January to start--ha ha!)


  2. Cool, thank you Reagan, and I know I am crazy to start now
