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Monday, February 22, 2010

Well here it is

About 2 1/2 months ago I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. If you are a friend or even a family member and you are wondering why you didn't know, it's because I didn't tell anyone. It wasn't because I was embarrassed, I would hope these days most people understand that there is no way to prevent it, and it's to no fault of the mother. I guess I just felt like I didn't want people to question my love or devotion to my new little miracle. There are varying degrees of it, and I think part of the reason it took so long for me to figure it out was because I was misinformed about what it actually was.

I assumed that in order to have PPD you had to have all of the extreme symptoms. Wanting to hurt yourself, and your baby. Can't get out of bed, etc. Since I didn't feel any of those things it never occur ed to me that I could have it. I was extremely stressed, but I figured what new mom isn't. I cried a lot, but who wouldn't after such sleep deprivation. Overall I just wasn't as happy as I knew I should be, as I wanted to be. I looked up the symptoms on the Internet and burst into tears. I read the list and with every symptom the guilt became heavier and heavier. I mean all I wanted my whole life was to be a mom, how could I feel this way. But after talking to my amazing doctor, and taking some time to adjust I know it is NOT MY FAULT.



  1. I have PPD as well. I am on Zoloft and it makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER. It sucks to have the feelings I had. I would cry all the time and didn't appreciate Molly. I wanted to shake her when she cried. I wanted to leave her screaming in another room and not take care of her because I just did.not.care.
    My world changed when I started Zoloft. I feel like a completely different person, so I totally understand what you're talking about.
    Props for talking about it, it is NOT an easy thing to discuss.

  2. Same here darlin, my PPD is up and down. With Holden's colic it was horrid... and now it's getting better. I'm also on Zoloft, and it has made a huge difference. Just know that you're not alone, we're all here to support one another! Come find us on the PPD board :)

  3. PS I just nominated you for a Sunshine Award on my blog ;)

  4. I had PPD too and walked a thin line with telling people. Part of me wanted to tell everyone because I found that talking about it really helped me. I was very discouraged when telling some people, because they just don't get it. I don't know that anyone who has not been through depression or anxiety themselves can truly understand what it's like. Through it all I came to have an understanding and new appreciation for mental health and awareness.

  5. Good for you for writing this post! I'm glad there are so many outlets for us now - for support and for guidance. It really makes a difference - knowing you're not alone.


  6. I understand this on such a deep level. It took me 5 months to reccognize that I had PPD, even though deep down I knew it. All the signs of my past struggles were there, but for some reason I didn't associate it with a problem. I think I kept looking at my life, my marriage and my baby and telling myself I had nothing to be depressed about. I have a dream baby and a supportive husband, there didn't seem to be a reason. I finally told myself that there doesn't have to be a reason, depression is a chemical imbalance not a direct link to bad things in your life. Thank you for writing this, you are so lucky to have a supportive family that will understand this. I'm too scared to write something in my blog, it's a hard thing for someone who has never been through it to understand. We can be each-others support system! Hugs. =0)

  7. I was just diagnosed last week with PPD. I was like you - I didn't know! I knew I was tired, overwhelmed, stressed. But I figured it was normal. It took almost 7 months before I knew - my doctor put me on Prozac.
    Good luck! I have told a few people, but this makes me realize that I shouldn't keep it in! Maybe I can help someone else out.

  8. hi! Following from FFF @ MBC. Thanks for being so courageous and sharing this with everyone. I'm a therapist (actually for kids) but I understand that this couldn't have been an easy thing to do! I look forward to reading more on your blog. And Jayden is adorable!!!
