How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up about 30 lbs total. Seriously, this is cutting it pretty close, doctor says it's good so far, but I'm not sure how long it will stay ok.
Maternity clothes? yep.
Sleep: I'm exhausted, I keep hearing all these different reasons people can't sleep. For me it's just peeing. I'm up every 2 hours to pee. I think it's mother natures way of getting me ready to be up every two hours with a crying baby.
Best moment this week: Getting the nursery fully finished
Movement: Jayden is very strong, she actually woke me up this morning kicking the crap out of me
Food cravings: same as pre-pregnancy, everything bad
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: None. BH contrax are starting to give me hell.
Belly Button in or out? In, but strongly threatening to come out
What I miss: sleeping all night
What I am looking forward to: Getting this baby out of me
Weekly Wisdom: Don't plan to be outside in the sun all day
Milestones: Jayden is almost 4 pounds and is about 17 inches!